André LeBlanc
With nearly a decade of experience in software engineering, I have worked as an individual contributor at companies like Shopify and led successful teams like at TaxJar, which culminated in an acquisition by Stripe. Technically, I specialize in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem and enjoy experimenting with new technologies. In terms of leadership, I excel in fostering remote cultures, building team camaraderie, driving impactful results, and providing technical guidance.
Fri Aug 09 2024 20:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Local development with Subdomains, Mobile Testing, and OAuth

tl;dr For many applications, especially when starting out, localhost has all the functionality needed. As applications get more complex, there are many options including tunneling and remote development environments, but localhost with a local DNS can provide another viable optio...
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Project ScoutKit

What is it? ScoutKit is a tool to help businesses find and manage influencers on Instagram. I was inspired by working with my wife, Charity, on her Instagram presence. It became clear to me that one of the challenges businesses face when trying to do influencer marketing is simpl...
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Announcing DruidDB-Ruby

What Does it Do druiddb-ruby provides a client for your Ruby application to push data to Druid leveraging the Kafka Indexing Service. The client also provides an interface for querying and performing management tasks. It will automatically find and connect to Kafka and the Druid...
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Module Not Found

So, this started when I ran into a #facepalm moment while working on my first React project. I suddenly got an error message like the one below. ![Module Not Found]({{ site.url }}/assets/images/module_not_found.png) <div class="caption">Failed to compile. Error in...
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